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Aurelija Novelskaitė

Aurelija Novelskaitė, PhD, is a gender studies professor at the Faculty of Communication and senior researcher at the Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University.
She teaches gender studies subjects in BA and MA courses as well as social research methods in MA Art Management programme.

Her current research focuses on integration of gender / intersectionality topics into study subjects and research; interlinkages between gender equality and open science, and other dimensions of Responsible Research and Innovations; implementation of gender equality measures in organizations (including academic structures). She has been / is involved in such EC FP7, H2020 and HE projects as SAPGERIC, SPEAR, RRING, OPUS, etc. Also she is a member of the Women and Men’s Equal Opportunities Committee at the Ministry of Social Security and Labour and a vice-chair of the Ethics Commission at the Research Council of Lithuania. Her numerous publications, talks and lectures inform about thindings on gender (equality) issues in organizational contexts and business environments, academic ethics, communication in municipalities, and other topics. Currently Aurelija is leader of Gender Studies Center at Faculty of Communication VU.
